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Why does the "Could not connect to port, Port in use!" message appear in PCD-Windows Quickloader?


If a "Could not connect to port, Port in use!" message appears when using PCD-Windows Quickloader software, it is possible your modem COM port might be assigned to the same COM port used for the PCI2000/Mini PC interface.  To verify the assigned...

I recently installed PCD-Windows Quickloader software on a new PC and successfully imported my accounts into Quickloader. But why won't my accounts open?

If you have recently installed PCD-Windows Quickloader software on a new computer but are unable to open the imported files, the most likely explanation is not using the same Master Password with the new installation that was used with old...

How do I use PCD-Windows Quickloader software to program a Test Timer with the GEM-P3200, GEM-P9600 and GEM-X255 control panels?

With the GEM-P3200, GEM-P9600 and GEM-X255 control panels, program a Test Timer as follows:

How can I move a single account in DL-Windows 5.x.x to a different PC?

In DL-Windows, select Tools > Export Account.  Save the .acc file to a USB thumb drive, then insert that thumb drive into the other PC.  Install DL-Windows into the other PC, open DL-Windows and select Tools > Import Account.

Can you help me troubleshoot DL-Windows connection issues?

Troubleshooting DL-Windows Connection Issues:

Is there an easy way to sequentially add a 'block' of proximity cards into DL-Windows?

When adding proximity cards to DL-Windows, a Sequential Add utility is available if you have a block of cards you wish to add in sequence.  For example, card numbers 1093600 through 1093700 with all other card attributes (Card Type, Card Number...

How do I prepare PCD-Windows Quickloader software to communicate with my NAPCO control panel when using a telephone line (POTS)?

Unlike other communication methods, communicating using a POTS ("Plain old telephone service") requires that you first establish a connection between the Quickloader software and the control panel before all transfer operations are enabled and...

Why is the error check utility in PCD-Windows Quickloader not allowing my Gemini control panel download to continue?

Some older (version 9, 10, 11) Gemini control panels, including the GEM-P1632, GEM-P1664, PCD-Windows Quickloader to display an error on zone 9 when using Zone Doubling.   The solution is to disable the Error Check utility, as follows:

Why do the zone descriptions listed in my PCD-Windows Quickloader software not match the zone descriptions listed in my central station reports?

More than likely your Quickloader software contains outdated zone descriptions. This can happen when zones are added, removed, or changed during a service call.

Can I change the default communication type in PCD Windows Quickloader software?

Yes. To change the default communication type: Select File > Preferences. Select Panel Configurations. In the Default Transfer Option area, use the pull-down menus to set your preferred default communication type.

Do the Gemini control panels support a delay before reporting a tripped zone?

Yes, if you need a zone delay before reporting, add a delay using the Zone Configuration screen in PCD-Windows Quickloader software:  

When using PCD-Windows Quickloader software to program the control panel, must the control panel configuration jumper be set to KEYPAD CONFIGURE?

The control panel must be in 'normal' mode (panel configuration jumper set to NORMAL) for PCD-Windows Quickloader software to connect to the control panel. Only during Direct Access Keypad Programming (where data is entered at the keypad by address...

With a Gemini control panel, can I program a delay before reporting a tripped zone?

Yes, if you need a zone to delay before reporting, add a delay using the Zone Configuration screen in PCD-Windows Quickloader software.

Does my security system have "Sabbath Mode", where I can power off motion detectors during certain times of the week?

Refer to the GEMC-RM3008 Relay Module installation instructions (WI1706) and perform the following:

With FireLink, GEMC and Firewolf control panels, what is an 'E97' trouble and how can I determine its cause?

An E97 trouble is an SLC trouble that can be caused by many things. To determine the exact trouble condition, launch PCD-Windows Quickloader and examine the status of the system. In the Status / Control screen, open the SLC tab. The devices in...

While attempting to upgrade the communicator firmware, why does a "Failed to Report, Cannot Continue" message appear in PCD-Windows Quickloader?

All communicators with commercial service plans are required to send a shutdown report to the central station (E308) before the firmware download. Commercial service plans have an SLB prefix and include a 200-second supervisory check-in. To allow...

Why does the keypad in my iBridge app display the message, "NOT ALLOWED NOW, TRY AGAIN"?

In the PCD-Windows Quickloader Keypad Assignment screen, the selection, Remote Access Only should be disabled (unchecked). This message appears if this feature is enabled.

I have an existing FireLink fire alarm control panel that was programmed using PCD-Windows Quickloader software. Can I upload the control panel programming settings into the FireLink Cloud Portal?

No, however if you wish to program the control panel using the FireLink Cloud Portal (, the FireLink control panel must be "new, out of the box" or must be reset back to its original factory default settings and then initially...

Can I create custom zone types in PCD-Windows Quickloader?

Yes!  Below is a video that describes how to create custom zone types in PCD-Windows Quickloader:

In PCD-Windows Quickloader, is there a quick way to enable multiple features for multiple zones?

Yes, this video describes some shortcuts available in the PCD-Windows Quickloader Feature View screen:

How do I link multiple elevator recall outputs to the Gemini C-Series (GEMC) fire control panel?

Using PCD-Windows Quickloader to link multiple elevator recall outputs to the Gemini C-Series (GEMC) fire control panel:

How do I set up PCD-Windows Quickloader to program a FireLink control panel through the integrated StarLink communicator?

Log into PCD-Windows Quickloader, click on File > Dealer Settings > StarLink Defaults tab. In the StarLink Authentication area, type your company's master StarLink Dealer ID and Password. Note: StarLink user accounts cannot be used.

What is PC Preset? Do you have a video that explains the basic uses and operations of PC Preset?

PC Preset is a utility that provides the installer the ability to perform automated remote operations on several accounts.  Typical uses of PC-PRESET include overnight uploading and printing of control panel logs, uploading multiple new...

In PCD-Windows Quickloader, when I create a new account for a FireLink control panel, what control panel Type do I select?

We recommend using the latest version of Quickloader (currently V6.4.5) (for versions 6.4.2 and prior, scroll down).

What software do I use to make changes to the default program of a FireLink control panel?

Use PCD-Windows Quickloader software, available for download at the NAPCO Technical Library (

Can I use PCD-Windows Quickloader to upload and download programming to my iSecure Go-Anywhere Hub?

No, the iSecure Go-Anywhere Hub should only be programmed using the iSecure Cloud Web Portal at, from either your smart device or web browser. Alternatively, you can log in to the StarLink Radio Management Center at...

How do I download the PCD-Windows Quickloader installation files from the NAPCO Technical Library? How do I install PCD-Windows Quickloader on my PC for the first time?

How to download the installation files from the NAPCO Technical Library ( and install PCD-Windows Quickloader for the first time: Additional information: NAPCO PCD-Windows Quickloader Software Downloads

How do I use PCD-Windows Quickloader to change the FireLink control panel default program?

How to use PCD-Windows Quickloader to change the FireLink control panel default program.

40 Results Per Page | Showing 1-40 of 99 Results | 1 | 2 | 3