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What is Simultaneous Dual Reporting?

When using dual path reporting and Simultaneous Dual Report is enabled, two signals are sent at the same time:  One signal is sent through the cellular network and the other is sent using TCP/IP.

When programming the dual path StarLink communicator's IP address and Wi-Fi information in the NAPCO NOC website (, what are the "Speed and Duplex Settings" selections?

The Auto-negotiated selections are:  10/100Mbps and Half/Full-Duplex, 10Mbps and Half/Full-Duplex, and 10Mbps and Half-Duplex.

In the StarLink Radio Management Center, i.e., the NAPCO NOC, why are all system Event times displayed in the Eastern Time Zone (ET) only?

In the StarLink Radio Management Center, i.e., the NAPCO NOC, you may notice that all system Event times are displayed in the Eastern Time Zone (ET) only.  This is because the NAPCO NOC (Network Operations Center) is physically located in the...

Why is Test Timer an important feature?

The Test Timer feature is an automatic test report sent to the central station at the same time, either daily, weekly, or monthly. A feature of all fire or burglary control panels, the Test Timer feature tests the ability of the control panel (and...

When programming a new StarLink communicator, why does an error message appear regarding a duplicate account" on a "suspended" communicator?

The Radio Management Center (the NAPCO NOC website, is indicating that two separate StarLink communicators are about to be programmed with the same central station reporting account information. To remove the duplication, the...

I have a case where a communicator sent a signal into my central station's receiver and the NOC website shows that the receiver kissed-off the signal, but the signal was never processed by the automation. What would cause this?

Central Station alarm receiver technology has advanced over the years and receivers are available today that tout the capability to support multiple formats decoded on the same line card and can tell the difference between one format and another....

Can I use the Fire Aux Relay for 24V Resettable Fire Power?

To use the Fire Aux Relay for Resettable Fire Power:

In the NAPCO NOC website ( General tab, I recently changed Dealer Entered Programming. Why are signals still being sent to the receiver at the previous central station telephone number?

If you recently updated to a new central station receiver but the supervisory and input signals are still being sent to the old telephone number, open the Advanced tab and verify all information in the Advanced Feature Configuration section. If the...

What are the three steps needed to install NAPCO's dealer-registered products, such as StarLink, iBridge, iRemote and Air Access devices?

This video describes how to: 1. Become a registered dealer.2. Activate the device.3. Program the device.  

How do I suppress a runaway signal or put a signal "on test"?

NAPCO has created a new tool that allows a runaway event to be placed on "test", that will stop specific zones or events from being transmitted if the issue cannot be immediately addressed. For example, if a fire control panel is in a ground fault...

How do I suppress a runaway signal or put a signal "on test"?

How to suppress a runaway signal or put a signal "on test".

I’ve recently changed service plans with my StarLink communicator. Despite high-quality signal strength, a Loss of Central Polling trouble (E356) was generated. Why?

Verify that you have manually changed the Poll Fail Timeout to the new duration made available by the new service plan. Should jumper J1 be installed on the X5 jumper block, an automatic download to perform this change did not occur and must be...

What is the meaning of an "Invalid IP Reporting Format" message in the Signal Log?

The 4/2 reporting format requires the use of a dial up receiver telephone number as you cannot use 4/2 to report to SurGard, Bosch or VIP receivers. Contact ID format is required for IP reporting. Go to the StarLink Radio Management Center (in the...

What are the requirements and limitations to changing my username and password in the StarLink Radio Management Center at

For the NAPCO NOC username, the minimum character length is eight (8). Usernames may only contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and single periods (.). Special characters may not be used (examples: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ; ' , / : " < > ? ).

I’m about to perform a system test of my StarLink communicator. My test will send over 40 signals within 15 minutes, and I do not want to receive the many automated email notification alerts for runaway accounts. Can I temporarily stop these notifications?

Yes! In the NAPCO NOC website (, simply click the “Suppress” button in the Advanced tab. This will temporarily stop the automated email alerts for two (2) hours. Note that this selection can be toggled on/off at any...

If I am using a StarLink communicator with dual path reporting and IP with cell back up, do in need a separate central station account number? Do the IP signals go directly to the central station?

StarLink dual path reporting signals are sent from the site of the installed communicator to the secure NAPCO NOC website, whether over an IP path or wireless path. Once the signal reaches the NAPCO NOC, it is processed normally over dial up (i.e....

Using the Safari web browser on my iPhone or on my iPad, why is the NOC website unable to access the iSecure Go-Anywhere Hub?

Ensure that Pop-ups are unblocked on your wireless device. Go to Settings, tap the Safari icon and disable the Block Pop-ups feature to "allow" Pop-ups.

With my StarLink LTE communicator, can I program the exact time the communicator will send a Test Timer report?

Yes, use the Manage Test Timer feature in the NAPCO NOC (

Does the control panel need to be programmed in a particular way if I want to use the Notifications feature to send SMS text messages or emails from the NOC?

Use a programmed telephone number of "9999999999" if you wish to use the Notifications feature to send SMS text messages or emails from the NOC.

If I use triggered inputs on a Commercial Fire communicator, can I also have NAPCO send an hour Test Timer to the central station?

Yes, you can program the feature CS Test Timer for 6 or 24 hours in the SLE Management Center (NOC) as shown in the image below only when reporting to central station via Telco. This is not an option when reporting to IP to a SurGard or Bosch...

I have a StarLink communicator account reporting to my central station through dial up on Telco lines. Why did I receive an "E356" signal?

When a StarLink communicator account is reporting to a central station through dial up on Telco lines and a signal is not received from the communicator within the programmed Polling Rate failure timeout, an E356 signal (loss of central polling) will...

Using the NAPCO NOC website ( is there an easy way to duplicate the configuration within an existing StarLink Communicator when adding a second communicator?

The NAPCO NOC website ( includes a new "Start template process" feature, allowing the programming data stored in an existing StarLink communicator to be copied and used as a guide or a "template", and transferred to a new second...

Why isn’t my StarLink radio reporting through IP when using Fire Input Triggers IN2 or IN3?

To have your triggered inputs report over IP, you must program an actual receiver telephone number and account number (in the NAPCO NOC website, click the Advanced tab, shown in the image below in yellow highlighting). This is similar to using a...

What are the StarLink NOC reporting codes and restores encountered with the StarLink SLE radios?

The 4/2 reporting codes (examples shown below) will always report in accordance with the 2 characters programmed.  All restores will have an "E" in the second digit (this "E" is hardcoded within the radio firmware and in the NOC and so therefore...

What are the basic NOC programming steps ( when using the StarLink Fire Radio to report alarm and trouble events triggered by the relays of a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP)?

The following functions must be programmed at the NAPCO NOC website at  Be sure all items in the following checklist are performed:

What are the basic NOC programming steps ( when connecting a StarLink Fire Radio to the DACT of an FACP, using dial capture mode reporting?

Check the installation and programming instructions for wiring and other programming options.  Be sure all items in the following checklist are performed:

After using the StarLink NOC at to reboot the SLE-GSM radio with the "Reboot with Default" option, the Inputs/Outputs web page does not display the default configuration to indicate that the default process was performed. Why did this occur and how can I resolve this?

After performing the "Reboot with Default" option, you must click UPLOAD at the bottom of the web page (red arrow in image below).  If UPLOAD is not clicked, all other tabs in the NOC will not display the radio's default configuration.

Is the NAPCO StarLink NOC capable of forwarding IP alarm format signals that are compatible with existing Sur-Gard central station receivers?

Yes, IP reporting from the NOC to any Central Station equipped with a Sur-Gard receiver is supported.  This IP reporting feature may be used with all NAPCO StarLink SLE-GSM, SLE-GSM-3/4G and SLE-CDMA radios, regardless of the firmware version....

Does the NAPCO StarLink NOC ( support arming and disarming through the Gemini control panel serial port connection?

Yes, the NAPCO StarLink NOC supports arming and disarming through the same cable used for downloading (SLE-DLCBL download cable).  Connecting a StarLink radio to a Gemini control panel serial port means there is no longer a need to program and...

What are the basic NOC programming steps ( when using the StarLink Fire Radio to report alarm and trouble events triggered by the relays of a Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP)?

The following functions must be programmed at the NAPCO NOC website at  Be sure all items in the following checklist are performed:

What are the basic NOC programming steps ( when connecting a StarLink Fire Radio to the DACT of an FACP, using dial capture mode reporting?

Check the installation and programming instructions for wiring and other programming options.  Be sure all items in the following checklist are performed:

Can the SLe-GSM radio be programmed to put the control panel into trouble if the NOC fails to report to the Central Station?

Yes.  To enable, open the radio account at and click the Advanced features tab.

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