How do I wire up a Continental polling cable to a Continental Controller (panel)?
The Continental Polling cable contains 3 wires (purple, red and brown).
The following is for a Turbo Superterm, Superterm, Smarterm and Miniterm controller.
9 pin (Computer side) POLL connector (16 Pin connector)
2 -------------------------------------------------------------4 (TXD) (purple)
3 -------------------------------------------------------------5 (RXD) (red)
5 -------------------------------------------------------------6 (GND) (brown)
Warning: You must use the 16 pin connector, not the 6 pin connector to the left of the POLL connector.
The following is for a Super Two panel controller.
9 pin (Computer side) RS-232 connector on a Super Two
2 ------------------------------------------------------------- (TXD) (purple)
3 ------------------------------------------------------------- (RXD) (red)
5 ------------------------------------------------------------- (GND) (brown)
If the computer does not have a 9 pin serial port, you can purchase a USB to Serial converter (part number PCI-USB) from Continental Access.