How do I wire my carbon monoxide (CO) zone on a GEM-CO-MOD to an output on a Gemini GEM-P3200, GEM-P9600 and/or a GEM-X255 control panel?
The GEM-CO-MOD Carbon Monoxide detector requires an output to trip the carbon monoxide (CO) zone. The diagram below illustrates the correct connections from the positive CO zone (labeled COZ+) to a PGM terminal located on the GEM-P816, GEM-P1632 or the GEM-P1664 control panels. Program the PGM to activate the zone.
With the GEM-P3200, GEM-P9600 or the GEM-X255 control panels, wire the positive CO zone (labeled COZ+) to the fire output E9 lug. After wiring, enable the fire output to activate the zone.