Using the PCD-Windows Quickloader "Panel Communications" screen, I want to upload and download to my Gemini control panel through an iREMOTE-MOD or NL-MOD. Should I select "NL-Mod" or "iBridge"?
When using TCP/IP communications to connect to your Gemini control panels, note the following two options under TCP/IP Communications:
Note: When locally "on site" always select the NL-MOD option under TCP/IP and enter the local NL-MOD IP address and MAC Address of the device to which you are connecting, (locate the local IP address using the NL-MODCONFIG software).
NL-MOD – Allows local and remote connections to the NL-MOD and iREMOTE-MODs through local and public IP addresses (port forwarding of 10081 is required for remote access). To retrieve the public IP address from our DNS server, click the Get IP from DNS button to populate the public IP address of your device.
iBridge – Allows remote connections only to the IBR-ZREMOTE (no port forwarding required).
For a local "on site" connections allowing the uploading and downloading of Gemini control panels through TCP/IP, select NL-MOD and enter the local LAN IP address.