What can cause the Web Client not to launch after Internet Information Services and the CA3000Web application was installed?
Refer to the CA3000Web installation documents for the appropriate operating system.
The two most common errors have to do with ASP and the Application Pool that was configured during the installation of Internet Information Services (IIS).
1) During the installation, you are prompted to select an Application Pool that IIS will use for the CA3000Web application. Any application pool can be used, but you must assign the selected Application Pool to the CA3000Web application. This can be done using the IIS manager and selecting CA3000Web. Under CA3000Web, you navigate to Advanced settings. Another thing to check is under the properties of the Application Pool, you must set Enable 32 bit application = True.
2) Another common error is an ASP error. Usually this means the correct version of ASP is not loaded. If you follow the documentation and select all features and options, this should not occur. If all the features and options were not selected during the installation, you should go back and Add Internet Information Services back in and select all the options.