May I add an iREMOTE-MOD to a Gemini C-Series (GEMC) control panel burglary bus to allow access to a virtual keypad?
Yes, the iREMOTE-MOD is compatible with the Gemini C-Series (GEMC) control panel, but with the Burglary area only. A GEMC-BK1 Burglary keypad skin is available for use on the www.MyRemoteKeypad.com website and for the iRemote App.
Note: Remote control of a GEMC Fire Alarm is not permitted and not supported. In addition, the use of the iREMOTE-MOD on a C-Series (GEMC) Commercial Burglary alarm or on the Burglary alarm portion of a GEMC Combination Commercial Burglary and Fire alarm has not been evaluated by UL.