How can I resolve a "Can't Arm, Incorrect Time" message on a GEM-P3200, GEM-P9600 or GEM-X255 control panel?
When trying to arm the control panel, the appearance of a "Can't Arm, Incorrect Time" message may be due to one or more of the following settings:
1. In the User Assignment screen, User/Access Groups tab, ensure "Init Off" is NOT checked.
When "Init Off" is checked (enabled), this feature denies a scheduled user initial access after a download. Therefore if "Init Off" is enabled, upon arming the system may be unsuccessfully searching for a non-existent Access Schedule User Code, and thus generating the "Can't Arm, Incorrect Time" message.
2. Ensure an Access Schedule is NOT programmed (see the Keypad Assignment screen).
3. Ensure the arm/disarm User Codes are valid.
4. Ensure the control panel's time-of-day clock is set to the correct time.
5. If the message still appears, a final option is to perform a "hard reset" by temporarily removing the "CONFIG" jumper from its top two pins, placing it on the bottom two pins for several seconds, then returning the jumper to the top two pins. Note: Be sure the control panel programming is uploaded safely into Quickloader before performing this "hard reset" operation.