Is the FireLink / GEMC control panel Point ID reporting code "E300 area 00 Z1 A00" a Z1 trouble?
Reporting code E300 area 00 Z1 A00 is a common FireLink or GEMC control panel Point ID reporting code that some central stations may mistakenly confuse with a Z1 trouble.
In actuality, E300 area 00 Z1 A00 is a 24-hour Trouble Resound code that will report to the central station every 24 hours (with the keypad beeping and its Trouble icon flashing) until the condition is corrected. A Zone trouble would be an E373 conventional or an 380 SLC point trouble (for example, E373 Z1 A01 is a Z1 trouble).
GEMC/FireLink Reporting Codes
Control Panel DACTS are required to send detailed information regarding the reported condition (a 'generic' trouble is insufficient). For example, E = Alarm, R = Restore. Be aware that there are more events than possible event codes; some events have a point # that will report as a zone. For example, a Z300 Z1 A00 is a 24 Hour Trouble Resound; an E300 Z00 A00 is a Fire Bus Failure.
Shown on the following pages is a list of reporting codes for the GEMC / FireLink control panels. Note: Burg codes are not applicable for FireLink.