What is the Zone ANDing feature and how do I enable it with my GEM-P3200, GEM-P9600, and GEM-X255 control panels?
With Zone ANDing, up to 8 groups of at least two zones each can be "AND"ed, wherein the system will go into alarm only if any two zones of the group are tripped within 2 minutes. Zone ANDing is designed to afford redundant protection for devices that may show a tendency to false-trip under certain conditions, such as glassbreak detectors, PIRs, etc.
With the GEM-P3200, GEM-P9600 and GEM-X255, up to 8 groups of two (or more) zones each can be defined: All zones within a group must have at least one Area in common.
Note: The default ANDing time is 2 minutes with the GEM-P3200, GEM-P9600 and GEM-X255 commercial burglary control panels; adjustments to this 2-minute default are not allowed.
In the Zone Assignments screen, program the devices (minimum of two in a group) to be ANDed together. Each group ANDing works within itself and not within other groups (in other words, group 1 will not 'AND' with group 2).
In the above example, an armed zone in this group will not go into alarm (or report to the central station) unless a different zone in the group is tripped.
In addition, please note the following:
- If the first zone tripped is Auto Reset*, a second (different) zone trip within 2 minutes of the original zone trip will cause an alarm.
- If the first zone tripped stays tripped, a second (different) zone trip will cause an alarm immediately.
If Enable Local Alarm on First Zone 'AND' Trip is programmed, a trip on any zone in the group will cause an alarm indication at the keypad and all programmed outputs. However, no reporting will occur until a different zone in the group trips with the first zone not restored.
*If a zone detects an alarm condition and is enabled for Auto-Reset, the zone will automatically rearm itself as soon as the alarm condition is cleared.