Does Alarm Lock have a door lock that I can use to temporarily lock a restricted area, such as an office or storage room, for a short time?
Yes! Both the Alarm Lock model DL/PDL4100 (cylindrical) and the DL/PDL4500 (mortise-based) feature "Privacy Mode", a feature that is often used where key-free, temporary sessions of privacy are required, such as single-occupancy restrooms, dressing rooms, confidential file rooms, etc.
Privacy Mode is usually activated by turning a knob or pressing a button located on the inner (protected side) of the door.
However, Privacy Mode can ALSO be activated from the outer (unprotected side) of the door by using the metal key. This means that the Privacy lock can also be used to temporarily lock a restricted area, such as an office or storage room for a short time.
The "Time-Out Duration" (the time the "Privacy Feature" is enabled) can be set between 1-250 minutes (the factory default duration is 10 minutes).
Note: For locks where Privacy Mode is often activated and cancelled, more frequent battery changes may be necessary.