What are the part numbers for the memory coin cells on an Accelaterm?
On the Accelaterm, there are two memory coin cells you must be concerned with. The first is on the Interface board and the second is on the processor board, that is located on the top of the unit. The coin cell battery on the interface board is part number BR1225 (Panasonic, Energizer or Duracell) . The coin cell on the processor board located on the top of the unit is DL2032(Panasonic, Energizer or Duracell) or Eveready ECR2032.
Very Important: On the processor board (top of unit), the J4 Jumper must be in the IN position for memory retention in the processor board.
Please refer to the Accelaterm Service and Installation manuals for replacement information on these memory coin cells and also jumper information regarding these batteries.