I know that the StarLink Dual Path and StarLink Connect Radios are capable of monitoring the telco connection for a TIP / RING wiring fault. I already installed the supplied 10K EOLR in the control panel Telco connection as shown in the radio wiring diagram. But how do I program the radio at www.NapcoNOC2.com?
Program the radio as follows:
1. At www.NapcoNOC2.com, click the Advanced tab, then click Edit.
2. Set Tip/Ring Wiring Fault Report to "Y".
3. Program your central station telephone and account number in the Tel# for Reporting Tamper/Linecut/Parallel Inp and Subscriber Account Number fields, respectively.
4. If the radio detects the loss of the 10K resistor or detects a short, the radio will send an E789 trouble to the central station. An R789 report will be sent upon a restoration of the fault condition.