I configured the StarLink SLE Fire Radio Input 2 and/or Input 3 for a Supervised Fire alarm and/or trouble, and wired them to the FACP relays using the 9SLE10KHARN harness. If I remove the wiring from the inputs, the PGM1 activates a trouble on the FACP and sends a trouble indication on that input to my central station. If my FACP goes into trouble causing the trouble relay to open, will this cause PGM1 to activate a trouble on the Fire control panel? If yes, how do I clear these troubles?
The opening of the FACP trouble relay will NOT cause PGM1 to send a trouble indication to the central station.
The 9SLE10KHARN harness is installed with two 10k resistors, one in series, the other in parallel. In the normal state, the radio will read about 4.9kΩ resistance; if the Fire control panel goes into trouble (for example, a low battery condition), the relay contact opens, changing the resistance to 10kΩ (the radio recognizes this 10kΩ reading as a Fire control panel trouble).
Correspondingly, if the wire between the fire control panel relay and the radio is cut, the radio will read zero resistance. The PGM1 radio trouble will locally annunciate, and this trouble indication will be transmitted to the central station provided the telephone and account numbers are correctly programmed in the StarLink Radio Management Center at www.NapcoNOC.com (in the Advanced tab).
Note: Only PGM1 will activate on a Supervised input trouble (PGM2 and PGM3 will not).