Can I determine my facility code without sending the badges into Continental?
You can swap bits in the badge format (Administration>Badge Formats). Select the format that matches your badge length (ex 36 bit). After selecting the correct format, you must swap the 2 settings for the Badge ID with the 2 settings for the Facility code (See example below). After swapping the bits, swipe the badge. The facility code will display as the badge number. (ex. Badge Violate Void with a badge number). The badge number is the facility code in decimal. You must convert this decmial facility code number to a hexadecimal number to use in the CardAccess 3000. To do the conversion, you can use the Windows calculator in "Scientific" or "Programmer" mode.
FROM: BADGE ID offset = 17, length = 16
FACILITY CODE offset = 1, length = 16
TO: BADGE ID offset = 1, length = 16
FACILITY CODE offset = 17, length = 16