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When launching the NL-MODCONFIG software, why does the message "Access Denied: C:/ProgramFilesx86/NapcoSecurityGroup/NL-ModConfig/nlmdcnfg.exe" appear?

As shown in the screen below. ensure the permissions for all users of the Windows PC are set to Full Control. In C:\Program Files (x86)\Napco Security Group, right-click the NL-MODCONFIG folder and select Properties. Then click the Security tab and...

When trying to use the Automation tab in the NL-MODCONFIG software, why does a blank screen appear without any of my Z-Wave devices listed?

Check for out-of-date firmware. We recommend that you periodically check to see if your firmware is current. For example, as of March 28, 2017, the latest iBridge firmware version is 3N7, and the latest Z-Wave firmware is version 6176. Notice that...

How do I program my alarm control panel and NetLink NL-MOD to report full Contact ID via TCP IP Communications?

PCD-Windows Quickloader and NL-MODCONFIG software v3.0.3.0 or greater is required.

After downloading the IP address of the NAPCO NetLink Receiver located at my central station to my iREMOTE-MOD or IBR-ZREMOTE, I am no longer able connect to the module using the app. How do I fix this and prevent this from happening with future installations?

In the NL-MODCONFIG software, open the PC preset/RCM tab, click the Populate NAPCO Defaults button and select the option for the module type you are working with.  Repeat the same steps for the Secondary/RCM tab then download to the module.

While trying to upload / download to my NL-MOD via the NL-MODCONFIG software, I used the wrong PC Security Code and the NL-MODCONFIG software has "locked" me out of my system, unable to enter. How long until the system resets? Can I reduce this lock-out period?

When attempting to download or upload settings to or from an NL-MOD, the correct PC Security Code MUST be used.  Entering the wrong code repeatedly places the user into a "lock-out mode" where the NL-MOD is inaccessible.  This lock-out mode...

What are the basic configuration settings of the NL-MOD-UL?

1.   Registration at – N/A

Is there a monthly fee for using the NL-MOD for Internet reporting?

No fee is charged by Napco for using the NL-MOD for Internet reporting.

My NL-MOD is not reporting signals to the central station. What can I do?

Before proceeding to step 1, verify the following:

Can I use the NetLink NL-MOD with older control panel firmware versions?

NOTE:  This applies to Control Panels GEM-P3200 and GEM-P9600; and Keypads GEM-RP1CAe2, GEM-RP2ASe2 and GEM-RP3DGTL

Which port do I need to port forward to allow remote uploading and downloading through the NL-MOD / iRemote-MOD?

Port forwarding (also called "port mapping") opens a specific port number in a router or firewall (in a private network) to allow network packets from the outside world with that port number to pass through. 

How can I “load factory defaults” in an NL-MOD-UL?

Newer versions of the NL-MOD-UL module have slightly different LED indications when performing the "Load Factory Default" procedure.  If it is desired to "default" the NL-MOD-UL to return the unit to its original "out of box" condition, perform...

How do I update the firmware in the NL-MODCONFIG Software?

To update the NL-MODCONFIG software, proceed as follows:

How do I supervise the connection status of the iRemote-MOD or NL-MOD should either be disconnected from the Internet?

Connect a single wire from the "Supv." output terminal on the iRemote-MOD or NL-MOD to the positive (+) side of "ANY" zone with a 2.2k resistor in parallel.  The iRemote-MOD "Supv." output will go to low voltage upon losing its Internet...

I am unable to send signals to the Central Station; the Central Station tells me they are receiving an "E341 Radio Tamper" warning. What can I do?

In the NL-CSRCV Central Station Receiver Application, suggest to the Central Station representative they un-check (disable) the "Set Account Active" attribute, then re-check to re-enable it.  If this does not work, another solution is to delete...

Must the feature Handshake Local Telemetry be enabled when programming an NL-MOD as communicator--or--must this feature be programmed only when uploading and downloading?

Enable Handshake Local Telemetry only when the feature Backup Reporting for Telco 1/Telco 2 is enabled (or if you are using a telephone line as a backup).  When using the NL-MOD for primary communications, DO NOT enable Handshake Local...

If schools buy two NetLink Napco NL-RCV-RMPCUL receivers, must both receivers be physically located in the same location (central station) or can one receiver be located at the central station and the other at a different location?

The Napco NL-RCV-RMPCUL is a fully UL compliant UL864 9th Edition central station receiver platform when the UL approved Backup Configuration scheme is utilized.  The configuration requires two (2) NL-RCV-RMPCUL receivers connected to the Napco...

The Silent Knight model 5820XL control panel is used in many schools. Can the Napco NetLink NL-MOD be used with this control panel to communicate fire alarms? Does Napco have a universal IP communicator?


Yes, the Napco NetLink NL-MOD-UL is listed as a UL864 9th Edition communicator that may be used to report signals from any FACP to a Napco NL-RCV-RMPCUL receiver. The NL-MOD-UL has trigger inputs that allow it to report general fire alarms, trouble...

40 Results Per Page | Showing 1-19 of 19 Results | 1