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I lost my current GGM password. Is there any way to access this password without having to default the lock and completely reprogram?

Yes, there are different ways to acquire password data.  The easiest (and most accessible) is to open your 'default.xml' file in Microsoft Excel (the solution that follows requires that Microsoft Excel be installed on your PC).

Why does the message "Uploaded Records 0" appear on my I-DAT?

There are several reasons for this message, the most common is that the .dat lock file is missing from the "Upload" folder.  To solve this issue:

Why is my Biometric Reader not functioning?

Most issues with the Biometric Reader can be linked to drivers and/or software.  Marks software has been issued to support two different Bio-Reader models:  The Virdi FOH01 and Virdi FOH02.  The Marks software installs the necessary...

Does an IQLITE model run schedules like an IQDATA or an IQPROX model?

With IQDATA and IQPROX no longer available for sale, some users have asked and have experimented with certain scheduling functions on the IQLITE.

How can I ensure the accuracy and reliability of the Marks audit trail retrieval process?

The Marks USB flash drive (part # E6201) contains a folder named DOWNLOAD located in the root directory.  This folder remains empty until the IDAT is used to retrieve an audit trail from any IDAT-supported Marks IQ lock.  The IDAT creates a...

With my Marks IQ lockset set for "terminator off" mode, why am I unable to use my master code to make program changes?

To program a Marks IQ lockset in "terminator off" mode, first press the # key, then the GGM user ID number, followed by the GGM PIN number, followed by the standard programming steps for any given programming function as detailed in the programming...

Why I am unable to add users with a PIN into my Marks IQ-Prox lock?

If you are unable to add users with a PIN into your Marks IQ-Prox lock, it is likely the GGM is programmed with a proximity card instead of a PIN.  When you are changing your GGM for the first time, specifying a proximity card (in the "PIN"...

How do I program temporary users in the Marks software?

1.  Use the software to create a new User Group to hold your temporary user location.  Follow the manual for creating new User Groups.

With the Marks software, what is the difference between a Basic Schedule and Group Schedule? How do I set each?

Basic Schedules and Group Schedules perform the same function, but in two different ways:

Can proximity credentials containing 6-digit card numbers be added into the I-Dat software?

No.  The I-Dat software only allows for card numbers with a maximum of 5-digits (see the "Prox ID" field in the image below).

Why is my Marks 175 BIO Series Biometric Fingerprint Reader unable to recognize my fingerprint?

The physical condition of the skin on your fingertips directly affects the ability of the reader to recognize the fingerprint.  If the skin is damaged or unclear, the print may not always be recognized.  We recommend the use of a different...

How many user codes can you program into the Marks i-Que Lite lock?

Up to 160 users can be programmed in the Marks i-Que Lite locks.

I want to replace the Marks i-DAT USB flash drive (model E6201). What size capacity USB flash drive should I purchase? Are the physical dimensions of the memory stick important?

Use a standard 2-5/8" (length) USB flash drive with a minimum 1GB capacity.  The physical dimensions of the USB flash drive are critical, as the recessed Marks i-DAT USB socket limits the proportions to no greater than 13/16" wide and no greater...

My PC is running Windows 8. Will the Marks IDAT Mark 2 software run on Windows 8?

Yes, the Marks IDAT Mark 2 software is compatible and will run on Windows 8.  

My Marks IQ Data and IQ Prox locks each have passage schedules that run past midnight. Will they remain unlocked after midnight?

Yes, your locks will remain unlocked past midnight, if using a passage schedule.  The Marks IQ Data and IQ Prox locks have built-in features to automatically lock at midnight.  For passage schedules running past midnight, the lock motor...

Can I use both PIN Numbers and Proximity cards on my I-Qwik Prox lock?

The answer is Yes, but actually depends upon how the lock was initially programmed.  Although the lock is a proximity lock, the GGM code can be set up for a PIN login.  A GGM PIN login is essential to make the I-Qwik Prox lock operate with...

With the DL2700, DL2800 and DL3000 locking devices, what can I use to help when installing these locks with a 5-inch backset?

When a 5 inch backset is required when installing the DL2700, DL2800 and/or DL3000 locking devices, the Marks USA 5-inch extension (part #1855) may be used.  

How will my Marks lock be affected if I cut the excess wires in the cable harness?

All of the wires inside your i-Que / i-Qwik have a purpose.  Some are for options you may never use while others may be connected should a future need arise.  Should the wires be cut, pinched or left un-insulated, a variety of malfunctions...

If the wires become pinched or frayed inside my Marks lock, what damage to the lock or other issues will result?

Each of the wires supports a feature or function of the lock.  Pinching, cutting or fraying of wires can cause an intermittent malfunction or a full shutdown of the electronics, depending on the wires that are shorted to ground.  Care must...

My MARKS IQ DATA and IQ PROX locksets were scheduled to lock during certain holidays last year. For this year, do I need to maintain the programmed dates to ensure all holidays are programmed with the correct dates for the current year?

Yes.  When scheduling holidays that are considered "floating holidays", each year, you MUST perform the function "DELETE ALL Set Holidays" (see Function 9 in the keypad programming manual) and re-program all holidays with the correct dates for...

Why am I unable to use the IQUE letters when programming user codes in the IDAT Marks 2 software?

The IQUE letters are meant to be programmed as part of user codes at the keypad, and may not be used in software programming.  

I uploaded user codes to my Marks lock (IQ DATA or IQ PROX), but they do not work. Why?

The lock must first be initialized at the keypad and then a six-digit user code must be assigned as a "Lock ID".

Why does my Marks lock keep losing its power connection?

Check the battery pack holder for a solid connection between the positive and negative contacts.  If the contacts are loose or broken, you may need to solder the contact or replace the battery pack holder (part # EA4011).

How can I reset my Marks lock using the keypad, without opening the housing or shorting the wires?

The reset procedure clears all user programmed data and resets all parameters to their original factory default condition.  A full reset can only be performed using this reset procedure: 

Will my Marks lock be damaged if I connect the battery pack wires (red and black) to the red and gray wires in the chassis?

No. Although the motor will run continuously while the power is applied to the red and gray wires, no damage will occur. Eventually the batteries will drain if left connected. Note that this type of connection is not recommended.

I want the User Code for my i-Que lock to be as short as possible. How short can it be, and how do I do that?

The shortest User Code possible for any i-Que lock is 3 digits. By selecting Terminator Off mode (Function 37), you can unlock the i-Que lock using just the PIN number.

I am keypad programming multiple User Codes into my Marks device. Does each User Identification Number (UID) have to be different or can they all be the same?

With Marks devices, each UID must be unique and must have the same number of digits as the "Great Grand Master" code's UID.

For all Marks i-Que / i-Qwik locks, what determines the number of digits in the User Identification Number (UID) and Personal Identification Number (PIN)? Are there restrictions or rules?

For all Marks i-Que / i-Qwik locks, the UID number must be 2, 3, or 4 digits, and the PIN number must be 3, 4, 5 or 6 digits.  The number of digits the UID number and PIN number must contain is determined when the lock is first assigned a new...

What keyway is supplied with the i-Que / i-Qwik locksets?

The standard keyway for all i-Que / i-Qwik locksets is the Schlage "C" keyway.

When adding a new User Code to a Marks lock, why does an error light turn on after entering the group level?

The error light is warning that the UID you are attempting to enter already exists within the lock memory.  An UID may be used only once within each lock; select a unique UID for each User Code.

Which wires should be connected to the battery pack for a Marks lock?

The correct wires are red and black with a "female" plug, and includes a label that reads "To Battery Pack".

Why doesn't the factory code open the Marks lock?

The factory code is used to "initialize" the lock, i.e. restart the firmware and clear certain parts of memory.  The code 9991234 is used to set the ID number and set the top level programming code called the "Great Grand Master" code.  The...

I pressed a valid User Code at the Marks keypad, and although the LED flashes green to indicate the User Code was valid, the door does not open. What could be the issue?

If the lock is an i-Que2 mortise lock and it was recently installed, the issue could be a mis-aligned clutch notch.  A mis-aligned clutch notch will also prevent access with the metal key.  If the lock is an i-Que1 cylindrical lock, the...

I put my lock into Passage Mode using Function 30. I want the lock to remain in Passage Mode indefinitely, but it re-locks every day at the same time. Why?

With all "Next Generation" i-Que locks, the manual Passage Mode cancels every day at midnight, thus re-locking the lock.  It is likely that the lock is re-locking at a time that it "thinks" is midnight because the internal lock time is set...

When I try to reset my i-Que lock to its factory default settings by pressing the sequence 9991234 [star key], the lock responds with a red LED flash.

This common error is caused by forgetting to drain the remaining power in the lock after disconnecting the batteries (and/or before reconnecting the batteries).  This causes the lock to simply power up (beep with green LED flash), instead of...

Why does my biometric 175BIO reader play a musical scale after scanning my fingerprint?

The batteries are low.  When the batteries in the 175BIO decrease to approximately 4.2 volts, the unit will play music after a fingerprint is authenticated to indicate that batteries should be replaced as soon as possible.

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