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ArchiTech Firmware - Lock V94A

Date Added: 6/5/19

This firmware supports "Version 2" Gateways and Expanders, and includes the most up to date Bluetooth support available.

File name:  N95x12_94a.bin

ArchiTech Models N95J1/2, N95S1/2 , N95I1/2 , N95T1/2 Firmware- 94A.

Note: This upgrade replaces a non-matching firmware number; the new version number "94A" upgrades all previous "83" firmware versions for the various ArchiTech mortise locks.

Important: After updating the firmware, you MUST perform a FULL download to the lock (i.e. Users, Features, Schedules and Time/Date). Then use a valid code or card to ensure access is granted with its valid "access granted" beeps and LED lights. However, if following the valid "access granted" indication you then hear 1 long beep and 5 short beeps, the lock must then be defaulted, re-discovered and the lock profile re-downloaded. Rest assured that your Gateway always maintains your lock information. Therefore, after defaulting the lock simply re-discover the lock and DL-Windows will manage the "re-configuration process".

Note:  The firmware version letter type case ("upper case" or "lower case") displayed in the file name may differ and from the case displayed in DL-Windows.  Be aware that both letters always denote the same version.

Posted in [Software / Firmware]

ArchiTech Firmware - Lock V83W

Date Added: 5/6/19

This firmware supports "Version 2" Gateways and Expanders, and includes Bluetooth support.

File name:  N95x12_83w.bin

ArchiTech Models N95J1/2, N95S1/2 , N95I1/2 , N95T1/2 Firmware- 83W.

Important: After updating the firmware, you MUST perform a FULL download to the lock (i.e. Users, Features, Schedules and Time/Date). Then use a valid code or card to ensure access is granted with its valid "access granted" beeps and LED lights. However, if following the valid "access granted" indication you then hear 1 long beep and 5 short beeps, the lock must then be defaulted, re-discovered and the lock profile re-downloaded. Rest assured that your Gateway always maintains your lock information. Therefore, after defaulting the lock simply re-discover the lock and DL-Windows will manage the "re-configuration process".

Note:  The firmware version letter type case ("upper case" or "lower case") displayed in the file name may differ and from the case displayed in DL-Windows.  Be aware that both letters always denote the same version.

Posted in [Software / Firmware]

ArchiTech Firmware - Lock V83V

Date Added: 2/28/19

This firmware supports "Version 2" Gateways and Expanders!

File name:  N95x12_83v.bin

ArchiTech Models N95J1/2, N95S1/2 , N95I1/2 , N95T1/2 Firmware- 83V.

Important: After updating the firmware, you MUST perform a FULL download to the lock (i.e. Users, Features, Schedules and Time/Date). Then use a valid code or card to ensure access is granted with its valid "access granted" beeps and LED lights. However, if following the valid "access granted" indication you then hear 1 long beep and 5 short beeps, the lock must then be defaulted, re-discovered and the lock profile re-downloaded. Rest assured that your Gateway always maintains your lock information. Therefore, after defaulting the lock simply re-discover the lock and DL-Windows will manage the "re-configuration process".

Note:  The firmware version letter type case ("upper case" or "lower case") displayed in the file name may differ and from the case displayed in DL-Windows.  Be aware that both letters always denote the same version.

Posted in [Software / Firmware]

ArchiTech Firmware - Lock V83U

Date Added: 1/24/18

This firmware supports "Version 2" Gateways and Expanders!

File name:  N95x12_83u.bin

ArchiTech Models N95J1/2, N95S1/2 , N95I1/2 , N95T1/2 Firmware- 83U.

Important: After updating the firmware, you MUST perform a FULL download to the lock (i.e. Users, Features, Schedules and Time/Date). Then use a valid code or card to ensure access is granted with its valid "access granted" beeps and LED lights. However, if following the valid "access granted" indication you then hear 1 long beep and 5 short beeps, the lock must then be defaulted, re-discovered and the lock profile re-downloaded. Rest assured that your Gateway always maintains your lock information. Therefore, after defaulting the lock simply re-discover the lock and DL-Windows will manage the "re-configuration process".

Note:  The firmware version letter type case ("upper case" or "lower case") displayed in the file name may differ and from the case displayed in DL-Windows.  Be aware that both letters always denote the same version.


  • Supports the AL-APB Auxiliary Power Booster (used to open the lock in the event of a dead battery pack or disabled proximity reader)
  • Supports the latest Bluetooth iLock app, including the "Virtual Keypad" function
  • Supports the new 'Toggle' mode, available in DL-Windows software (v5.5.3)
  • Security Enhancement: The first DL-Windows download to the door lock will change the lock status from "Passage" to "Locked"

Posted in [Software / Firmware]