What is the maximum baud rate for all Continental Controllers (Panels)?
Below is a list of Maximum baud rates for the Continental Controllers?
Note: If legacy panels are wired in a repeat or multidrop chain with a Supertwo, Turbo Superterm, Accelerator or Accelaterm, the maximum baud rate for all panels is the baud rate of the slowest panel. Example: Super Two repeated to a miniterm (Max baud is 9600).
Max. Baud Rates:
uniVerse = 921.6Kbps
Accelaterm = 921.6Kbps
Accelerator with Turbo Superterm = 921.6Kbps
Supertwo = 57.6Kbps
Turbo Superterm = 57.6Kbps
Superterm with V2 Firmware = 9600 bps
Superterm with V1 firmware = 9600 bps
Smarterm = 9600 bps
Miniterm = 9600 bps
Microterm = 9600 bps