How do I use Card and Pin in E-Access?
You need to create the keypad format and assign it in the Doors screen. Also add the keypad format in the Card Format screen. The steps for Card and Pin starts with Pin first then card swipe.
FYI - The reader and keypad need a badge format for each.
You need to create the keypad format and assign it in the Doors screen. As the reader and the keypad need a badge format for each mode.
You can do this by typing multiple digits on the keypad and press the # key. In the Dashboard under the event grid, click on the "Card Format Not Found" Blue link. This will then bring you to the badge format screen to create the keypad badge format. Then go into Settings > Device Settings > Door. For the IN-Reader Type, you can select Keypad and Card and then select the Newly created keypad format you just created.
To gain access its PIN first then present the Card.